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Monday, 21 May 2018

Increasing fracture in aged women with depression and mental stress

Washington: A new study has shown that in the aged women, depression and stress conditions are increasing fracture of bone.
As such, this risk is very high in those women who are unable to become a mother due to Sunnis (menuscripts). In this part of the age, mental stress levels increase the risk of breakdown in the women's bones, which increase the difficulties of life.
The reason is that mental stress and depression cause the risk of osteoporosis directly and thus increases the risk of fracture. It has been revealed in a research magazine of the North American Manufacturing Society (NAMS). Bone diseases are common in older women. In this case, it is extremely important to estimate the bone of the bone and break in elderly women.
Earlier research showed that the number of elderly women suffering from mental stress may double the rate of arthritis. But now the new research has revealed that depression as well as how weak women are weak in women suffering from depression and how they minerals. The decrease in bone minerals increases the danger of fracture, waist and colored bone shells.
In the survey, 192 such aged women were involved in passing through San Yas and they had different types of troubles or depression. But in women where depression was high, fracture was seen in their bone, but these women had already had the arthritis quality.
Of course, we can say that depression is very hazardous for the bone of such aged women who are already suffering from bone and joint pain, because in this case, due to mental disorders specially excluding chemicals weaken the bones.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Exercise is beneficial after a heart attack

After having heart attack, the habit of exercising can be helpful for health.
 Swedish scientist team included 22,000 people aged 18 to 74, who graduated from the hospital after their heart surgery in their research. After which it came to know that those who started or increased exercises, the risk of death decreased by half to the first four years.
"It is the first thing to know that those who exercise, they also reduce the risk of heart attack and they live for a long time," says Ozhan Akblam, a researcher from the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences. There are also but yet it did not know what effects of exercises are on those who have visited.
According to researchers, their team in Sweden had studied a heart attack for patients with physical health activities from six or ten weeks to a year. Out of these 22,227 studies, 1,100 people died within four years.
According to scientists, the people who constantly restricted their physical activities, had the risk of death at 37%, while the people who were busy holding themselves, 51% of the risk of death was found. According to scientists, exercising two or more times a week is very beneficial for heart patients.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Speaking of children

Children's parents are attracted immediately when the Baby ones get a sound. They wait when the child will speak clear words, and whenever such a word removes, they are very happy and tell the families who do not know. This is an important step in the life of children. Most children start paying words like "Mama" and "Baba" before their first year's neck. They start playing twenty-five words around 18 months.

Children look for their sound and outdoor environment before the neck of the first year. By 9 months, two sounds are able to match, such as "mama". It is possible that they still do not understand and copy it. But before 12 months of age, they should recognize a few of the external items and attribute them to the names. As "Dodho" (milk). The children who look at things carefully but do not respond to voices can be a problem of hearing. After a year, they should start to get rid of different sounds that they hear. For example, "B, P, T," etc. They should be able to pay simple phrases before the age of 2 whether they are a little irresponsible. Like 'Mama Dudu'. Two years later, the words of their words should increase and comply with three or more words. Their understanding should also increase.

Three-year-olds should understand such sentences as "go to bed". If your child shows the following symptoms, refer to the doctor. Do not make simple physical activity for one year. For example, do not point to any item or hand over the "left side". Do not try to speak for 18 months, but try to explain physical activity. Being unable to copy the simple sounds heard. Do not understand the demand in simple language, such as "sit down" or "come here". Repeat a few words again and again for two years and avoid avoiding your needs. Do not understand or follow simple orders. The sound is incomplete. Delaying may also be moderate, but it should not be high. There may be some reasons for it.

 For example, a problem in the upper part of the tongue or mouth. In addition, the language specific to the brain can affect the ability to speak any kind of loss. Due to this, the child cannot establish lips, tongues and jaws. These children may be difficult to drink milk. One reason for delay in smoking is a hearing error. If the child listens to it, then how will I say? The child learns to listen to the sounds surrounding it. If you suspect that the child does not listen or give less hearing then consult the doctor so that his strength can be inspected. Error in hearing is not necessary to be born. It can be due to any infection after birth.

If the child speaks late, then he should try to find out the means without wasting more time. This is important for the child's future. Parents can first know the child's problem, so they should tell more about their child more time. Talk to him and he should listen to the songs of children and children. The child should be encouraged to repeat the words you are paying. They should show their names by showing them the items. Tell me about the child what you are doing with him as well.