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Monday, 21 May 2018

Increasing fracture in aged women with depression and mental stress

Washington: A new study has shown that in the aged women, depression and stress conditions are increasing fracture of bone.
As such, this risk is very high in those women who are unable to become a mother due to Sunnis (menuscripts). In this part of the age, mental stress levels increase the risk of breakdown in the women's bones, which increase the difficulties of life.
The reason is that mental stress and depression cause the risk of osteoporosis directly and thus increases the risk of fracture. It has been revealed in a research magazine of the North American Manufacturing Society (NAMS). Bone diseases are common in older women. In this case, it is extremely important to estimate the bone of the bone and break in elderly women.
Earlier research showed that the number of elderly women suffering from mental stress may double the rate of arthritis. But now the new research has revealed that depression as well as how weak women are weak in women suffering from depression and how they minerals. The decrease in bone minerals increases the danger of fracture, waist and colored bone shells.
In the survey, 192 such aged women were involved in passing through San Yas and they had different types of troubles or depression. But in women where depression was high, fracture was seen in their bone, but these women had already had the arthritis quality.
Of course, we can say that depression is very hazardous for the bone of such aged women who are already suffering from bone and joint pain, because in this case, due to mental disorders specially excluding chemicals weaken the bones.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Exercise is beneficial after a heart attack

After having heart attack, the habit of exercising can be helpful for health.
 Swedish scientist team included 22,000 people aged 18 to 74, who graduated from the hospital after their heart surgery in their research. After which it came to know that those who started or increased exercises, the risk of death decreased by half to the first four years.
"It is the first thing to know that those who exercise, they also reduce the risk of heart attack and they live for a long time," says Ozhan Akblam, a researcher from the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences. There are also but yet it did not know what effects of exercises are on those who have visited.
According to researchers, their team in Sweden had studied a heart attack for patients with physical health activities from six or ten weeks to a year. Out of these 22,227 studies, 1,100 people died within four years.
According to scientists, the people who constantly restricted their physical activities, had the risk of death at 37%, while the people who were busy holding themselves, 51% of the risk of death was found. According to scientists, exercising two or more times a week is very beneficial for heart patients.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Speaking of children

Children's parents are attracted immediately when the Baby ones get a sound. They wait when the child will speak clear words, and whenever such a word removes, they are very happy and tell the families who do not know. This is an important step in the life of children. Most children start paying words like "Mama" and "Baba" before their first year's neck. They start playing twenty-five words around 18 months.

Children look for their sound and outdoor environment before the neck of the first year. By 9 months, two sounds are able to match, such as "mama". It is possible that they still do not understand and copy it. But before 12 months of age, they should recognize a few of the external items and attribute them to the names. As "Dodho" (milk). The children who look at things carefully but do not respond to voices can be a problem of hearing. After a year, they should start to get rid of different sounds that they hear. For example, "B, P, T," etc. They should be able to pay simple phrases before the age of 2 whether they are a little irresponsible. Like 'Mama Dudu'. Two years later, the words of their words should increase and comply with three or more words. Their understanding should also increase.

Three-year-olds should understand such sentences as "go to bed". If your child shows the following symptoms, refer to the doctor. Do not make simple physical activity for one year. For example, do not point to any item or hand over the "left side". Do not try to speak for 18 months, but try to explain physical activity. Being unable to copy the simple sounds heard. Do not understand the demand in simple language, such as "sit down" or "come here". Repeat a few words again and again for two years and avoid avoiding your needs. Do not understand or follow simple orders. The sound is incomplete. Delaying may also be moderate, but it should not be high. There may be some reasons for it.

 For example, a problem in the upper part of the tongue or mouth. In addition, the language specific to the brain can affect the ability to speak any kind of loss. Due to this, the child cannot establish lips, tongues and jaws. These children may be difficult to drink milk. One reason for delay in smoking is a hearing error. If the child listens to it, then how will I say? The child learns to listen to the sounds surrounding it. If you suspect that the child does not listen or give less hearing then consult the doctor so that his strength can be inspected. Error in hearing is not necessary to be born. It can be due to any infection after birth.

If the child speaks late, then he should try to find out the means without wasting more time. This is important for the child's future. Parents can first know the child's problem, so they should tell more about their child more time. Talk to him and he should listen to the songs of children and children. The child should be encouraged to repeat the words you are paying. They should show their names by showing them the items. Tell me about the child what you are doing with him as well.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Tooth paste will fill teeth space

Washington: University of Washington specialists have made a naturally rich natural ingredients containing toothpaste, which prevent the process of becoming teeth (caviat) on daily basis and promote a dental part or anemal.
Professor Mamtar Sarikaya and his colleagues have developed a tooth paste from a special protein ambulance to cure peptides (small chains of aminoids). It is clear that the severely part of ambulance protein teeth plays an important role in the formation of analog.
On the other side, natural peptides in tooth paste are dental, on the other side, then on the other side they remove calcium and phosphate ions. In this way, tooth holes can be filled in the initial condition and in a way antenna keeps an eye on the teeth. Apart from this, the dentists present are also protected.
Experiences conducted in laboratory showed that whenever toothpaste is applied, it takes a toe of 10 to 50 micro meters of acne every time it is teeth. It is expected that the technology scale of this technology will be possible to adapt to daily use toothpaste, which will be equally useful for both children and the elderly.
Dentists also expressed happiness over this invention, saying that peptides can be a different way to protect dental. This process is very simple and it can leave all the products of dental care behind.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Minor amount of alcohol also reduces the day of life, research

 The new research conducted in the US states that the small amount of alcohol also reduces the human life day.

According to American research, five to ten liquor people drink five months of life, two years of ten to fifteen and two years of life drinkers and five years of life for those who drink more than eighteen people.

Dr. Angela Wood has warned in the light of his research that people who spend alcohol on daily basis increase the amount of alcohol, as well as the years of their lives are short. It revealed that based on the results obtained by the research conducted on 6 million people in alcohol related to 19 countries.

Dr. Angela has been studying the effects of alcohol consumption and its impact on life, resulting in a week more than 14 units of drinking alcohol was enough to destroy health, equivalent to 6 drinks in a week. Is. As well as increase the number of alcohol addictions, its disadvantages also increase.

Dr Angela said that even those who drink less than 14 units of alcohol are likely to suffer from depression, blood pressure and heart diseases, so they suggest that as far as possible, alcohol should be away from alcohol.

It is clear that earlier a research was said that Red Wine is useful for health but new research has made it clear.

Friday, 13 April 2018

New research: Exercise mental effects move to the next generation

Scientists have said that physical and mental exercise is not only good for our mind, but its positive effects can reach children too.
An investigation on mice showed that the advantages from exercise were transferred through the DNA to the next generation.
Need more research so that it can be seen whether the effects are also in humans.
Research has shown that taking exercise in people over 50 years and participating in sports and exercises and exercise of mental trials reduces the risk of diseases like dementia and alzheimer's.
Scientists from the German Center for Neuro-Dynamic Healthes (DNANE) gave mice an environment in which they had an opportunity to exercise, and found that their children also benefited.
When experiments on children of these mice, they found that they were more capable of learning than other mice.
Apart from this, their nervousness was more flexible (synaptic plasticity). This implies how nervous can easily communicate with each other. This is a key role in learning.
Scientists discovered that these effects move through spinach via RNA mechanical.
Andrei Fisher, professor of the DZNE, said: 'Possibly (this mechanic) improves the connection of brain cells. This gives mental health to the child. '
Marcus Pillar, professor of the Great Health Street Institute of Britain, UK said that this research is an important milestone in finding out what the role plays in addition to training after genital inheritance and birth.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

'Wipes' used for cleaning due to food allergies

Widespread use of soap instead of soap to normalize infants is common, but new research has revealed that 'wet wipes' cause 'food allergies' in children.
Prof. John Cook Mills says that the most difficult and complex type of Allergies 'food allergies' is also used in addition to giant waves Do not dry and affect the absorption of skin. Ability to absorb skin increases the risk of food allergies.
Nutrition is important for daily nutrition based on the daily basis for which parents generally use 'widespread wipes' in chemicals. Chemicals are used in the manufacture of wipes when wipes contain wet soaps, which are not dried to the skin of the children, skin wound and lose the ability to absorb skin quickly. And the ability to quickly absorb skin absorb the 'food allergies' disease.
Research also states that the tiger that affects the skin's ability to absorb the skin of the baby, after becoming adolescent, the food is allergic. Data from 1997 to 2007 shows that 4 to 6 percent of the children in the US are allergic to food, which increase 18 percent, the primary reason is to use wipes in children. 

Monday, 9 April 2018

American hospitals 'deadly germs' uncontrolled

Researchers have warned several years ago that anti-gravity is causing anti-biotech diabetes and the existing depositing deposits will worsen in the near future.
Recently, US Institute Center for Disassembly Control and Development (CDC) has released a report saying that in the US hospitals there is a bacterium of bacterial, most of which are resistant to anti-biotech drugs. It is almost impossible to defeat them, because the germs are called 'Nightmare'.
Dr. N. Shyets, Deputy Director of CDC, says that we are working to overcome the growing resistance of germs, but some germs have gone ahead of us in this race.
During the research CDC laboratory, special genes were found in one of the four sample samples sent from various parts of the U.S., which enable them to move their resistance into other germs.
One of the 10 patients suffering from these germs, was suffering due to the transfer of these bacteria to healthier doctors such as doctors, nurses and tutors.
According to researchers, bacteria named 'Rhodeau Dreams' are especially deadly for the aged people of serious illness.
The report states that due to these germs, 23,000 American citizens annually lose their lives while fighting various diseases in hospitals.

Birth of new brain cells, new discussion in scientists

According to a new study, the process of becoming new brain cells continues to be in the age of twenty years. This new research has once again been discussed in relation to the impact on the growing age of the scientists.
This recent study of researchers from Colombia University New York rejects the research published in the journal journal, which says there are no evidence of creation of new neurons after 13 years of age.
Although this research cannot be terminated with regard to the new brain cells, this research will help scientists to understand the growing age of brain and try to keep dementia or obesity away.
Alzheimer's new hopeful therapy
The center of this research is part of the brain's hemopacams, which is related to learning and memory. Researchers tried to actually know what the basis of new brain cells. These research included these morphological cells and atomic cells which eventually turn into neurons.
For this research, samples were taken from the people who died from the age of 14 to 79, so that they could see what the new neurons and blood vessels are in the brain after immediate death.
Remember that before the Nature Journal published a research, it was concluded from the mental illness of 59 people that one year after birth and then seven to 13 years of herpicides became new neurons. There were no evidence to be new cells.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Prepared live cells for incurable eyes

Los Angeles: American specialists have achieved significant success in improving eyes by capturing living cells in the eyes of the victims of illness, 'Macular de Generation'.
As a result, there is a reason for severe reduction in visualization, which is a mechanical de generation, which causes disorders in the eye curtain (retina), and this procedure can not be cured in any way. Typically after 60 years of age, the disease of the macular de generation is deteriorated to many people.
Now experts have achieved significant success in improving their eyes by putting special biological puzzles in the eyes of four years old. These patients also include a 69-year-old woman who could read only 7 letters on the first-rate test chart, but after reading this patching, she read 24 letters.
Professor Amir Kashani and his colleagues, professor of University of Southern California, located in Los Angeles, made 6 mm wide polar beams and 4 mm long chips, and made healthy cells of Retina. After that, after a single eye of four patients, this paste was placed, while the second eye was left behind.
On one side, it improves biological glossary, on the other hand treats dry mucular diarrhea in the eyes, which is the most common type of disease, and 90 percent of losing weight suffer from it.
Similar patches are moisture prepared for moisture de generation. Blood cells in this condition attack on Retina's AP cellular cells and destroy them.
Professor Amir Kashishani says that after a year of ponding, when all patients were reviewed, a patching eye was stable and fine, and the eyes of the eyes which were not paved on were worse. Now the next step this package will be added to more patients

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Introduce the special bandage that protects the wounds on joints

 Scientists developed a special bandage spreading and bending to treat wounds on joints.
Due to the knee and elbow curve, the wound of the wound on them is very difficult, and the movement of these hemorrhoids removes the bandage due to which it is not possible to treat such wounds at all times, due to the need of such bandage. Was not separated soon after the movement of knee and elbow.
Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have resolved this confusion and developed adhesive bandages that can be applied on elastic and dynamic parts, it is rubber and weight light, like pages The art of making various useful things wrapping is designed on the style of Kirigami, which is capable of spreading and shaking along with the movement of knees and elbow, and separately without sprinkling more than 100 times.
According to the articles published in the scientific journal Soft Matter, the electronics were used to properly bandage pairs on the pair, but this technology did not prove to be a major pair of knee and elbow, after which the MIT research team had paper Using artworks made from pages, using Kirigami, developed a quick-adhesive bandage capable of spreading and shaking.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

58% doctor’s prescriptions are not acceptable

Pakistan: According to a report, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's capital hospitals, there were up to 100 percent of the prescriptions written by doctors, any one can’t understand them. Now the provincial government has initiated steps to make the drafts international standards.

This research report is of Pakistan General of Medical Sciences. There is no mention of the condition of the disease, which has been written that doctors do not have names on most prescriptions.

About this, Dr. Tahir Nadeem Khan, head of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Foundation told the BBC that a committee has been set up which will give its suggestions in two months and it will also be considered that the dentistry prescription instead of medicines Written by chemical

He said that dentistry prescriptions have been interrupted and it is fact that most of the prescriptions cannot even read the shopkeepers in the medical store and they give medicines in estimate.

According to the report of the Pakistan Medical General, a total of 1,100 dengue datasheets were inspected in six Peshawar hospitals and medical stores, which did not understand more than 58% prescriptions and doctors of ninety nine percent The name was not too high and the registration number was not up to seventy percent. According to this report 78% prescriptions did not mention the disease.

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Department of Health has started initiatives, while the presence of the educated people at the pharmacists or medicine at the Medical Pharmacies is considered necessary and medical stores where regular pharmacists are present. And they have been given an E-degree while the B-grade grade stores of the stores are green.

Meditation prevent brain from getting older

Meditation for a day can be an effective weapon against brain tension.
The claim came in a medical study in the US.
Medieval meditation in California University researches causes mental changes that do not allow people's mental abilities to be affected by age effects.
It is thought that meditation is also Sunnah.
During the 7-year-old American research, long-standing benefits of this habit were analyzed in accustomed mediators.
As a result of aging, millions of people are suffering from mental disorders, but meditation prevents brain from getting older.
During this research, 60 intellectuals were identified as a habit of meditation.
Seven years later, researchers asked the volunteers how much time did they do for meditation in so many years.
The results showed that 85 percent of people allocated for one hour daily for so many years.
Then his mental reaction and concentration test took place and found that his mental abilities were not affected by aging, but there was some improvement.

Researchers say that this habit is beneficial for adopting middle-aged people so that they can avoid various diseases.
Previously, another American research has shown that this habit results in the benefit of these parts of the brain, which is essential for memory, attention and ideas.
The current research team said that more research is needed now that the root cause of meditation can be found.

Cancer treatment can now be possible with vaccine?

Cancer is such anxiety, resulting in millions of deaths every year worldwide, whereas treatment or chemotherapy causes various medical problems.
However, a cancer vaccine has now been developed, which has been successful in the test stroke of rats in the rats and will be tested on humans later this year.
Work on this vaccine was done by experts from the University of Stanford University of America.
According to research, if this vaccine is considered useful for humans, patients will not need chemotherapy which has very adverse effects on the health.
However, researchers say that even if it is approved for use it will not be available for patients for one or two years.
He said it would be effective for blood cancer that affects specific blood cells.
He further added that this vaccine instead of strengthening physical defenses, it stimulates it to attack ravals.
The research team said that cancer is a big problem and we will not be satisfied until it is resolved for everyone.
This vaccine will be tested at 35 people suffering from lymph infections in 2 different medical studies at the end of the year.
Vaccine will be used twice in six weeks with low quantity of radiation on these patients.
Earlier, his experience in mice proved to be 97% successful.
Researchers have said that the result of the results is that the vaccine may be helpful in treating different types of cancer and preventing it from spreading again.

Summer Tasty Beverages

Due to heat intensity, the body reduces the amount of glucose and the glucose level also reduces, while not functioning properly in the digestive system digestive problems also occur.
In summer season cold drinks should be used mostly.
Lemo Water:
Lemo is full of antioxidants. It contains fiber and carbohydrates in sufficient amount. Lemo water absorbs the body fresh and fresh. It is also useful for maintaining system digestion, hypertension, and keeping the heat in mind by taking it quickly.
Counting juice:
The biggest swimmer's heat is gauze juice, which also contains carbohydrate, magnesium and calcium from glucose.
When the body gets swollen in summer, cool cold sugar is very fascinating in such a situation. Acne juice also proves useful in ending urinary disease.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Specific times of eating is a key to weight loss

The amount of food is not only a decrease but in specific times the food is a key to weight loss.
The claim came in a medical study in the US.
Salak Institute Research reported that evidence has already been proven that reducing calories and exercise can help reduce obesity.
But this research was told that specific times of food may be more helpful in this regard.
Researchers took 15 years to review the effects of diet use at certain times.
For this purpose, he made a habit of dinner for breakfast at 7:00 pm and then at 7:00 pm, while eating nothing in the middle.
According to researchers, following their experience, their blood sugar levels decreased, physical weight loss while sleeping improved.
These positive effects also received a researcher's mother and a 15-year-old daughter when she tested it.
Also read: Do not eat food at any given time?
According to the research, food at all times damages the physical clock that determines the best times for food, drinking and other engagement.
Researchers say that the experiments on mice found that they used to suffer from diseases such as diabetes, diabetes and cancer like cancer.

Why do the thick and fatigue people live less?

In a recent research, it is said that thick and fatigue people live less than others. According to research, those people live more closely with other diseases such as heart attack.
In this recent report of American researchers, more than a million people have been studying. In this regard, data collected for the last ten decades of research in the US has been used in the last seven decades.
Weight control
The weight loss process not only needs to be excessive fat but it also needs to be removed from the body. Research has shown that weight loss also starts to decrease when the body parts are reduced. It is obvious that there will be no change in weight without reducing calories in food and exercising.
According to the report, there is a deep connection between people with fat and high weight and heart disease. This report has been added to those people who were not suffering from severe heart disease before becoming part of study studies. It has been said that seventy-seven men and sixty-five women who were overweight were found in heart and other types of diseases after the age of forty years or more.
This report states that men aged forty and five years of age saw stroke, heart attack, heart failure, or death rate due to heart disease, 21% more than normal weight gainers. .
According to this report, the rate of death due to heart disease in men with high weight is seen more than three times as compared to other people as compared to other men with high weight weight. It's double

Kenya to Import 100 Doctors from Cuba

Kenya has agreed to accelerate a health agreement it signed with Cuba last year and bring 100 doctors from the country to fill gaps in Kenyan hospitals. Fifty Kenyan doctors will also be sent to Cuba for specialized training.
The Kenyan government says the deal to import Cuban doctors would help counter gaps in Kenya's medical facilities.
Kenya Cabinet Secretary for Health Sicily Kariuki explains.
“The target is to bring 100 specialized doctors from Cuba. One is because of the HR resource gap that we have," said Kariuki. "We are careful not to crowd the place with general doctors and therefore the aim of my ministry is to bring forward critical care physicians at that level - family physicians, physicists, oncologists and surgeons dealing with plastic reconstructive surgery, dealing with orthopedic surgery and dealing with neurosurgery.
Each Kenyan county is expected to get at least two of the specialist doctors.
But Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union chairman Samuel Oroko says the move will not address the systemic dysfunction in Kenya's health system.
“There are no drugs, theaters are not functioning, laboratories are not functioning, so even if they come and the systems are not functioning, they are coming just to be idle and they may not get equipment to use to train our own," said Oroko. "So we need to look at all angles of our health system, not just bringing them because of bringing, but to ensure the system is functional so that they can operate.”
The agreement will also see Kenya work with Cuba on collaborative research projects, training for healthcare workers, and collaborations in fields such as genetic engineering and biotech work.
Former Kenyan Minister of Medical Services, Professor Anyang Nyongo, visited Cuba and says Kenya will benefit from the agreement.
“As health minister I came here and we were trying to work things together and I actually proposed some things that we needed to do, for example malaria vector control, collaborating with teaching, engineering, and a biotechmology center, but unfortunately we did not get far," said Nyongo. "What gives me satisfaction this time is that the president is determined we implement these long standing proposals of collaboration between us and Cuba.
Oroko says the medical union is not against any collaboration or partnership with other governments.
“Our appeal and advice is that as we consider bringing expertise from other countries, we need to exhaust what we have locally," said Oroko. "And if we lack capacity locally we should focus on training our own so that they can be able to manage the patients in Kenya.”
The union says more than 1,200 Kenyan doctors have been unemployed since May 2017.
“Equally we do have a number of doctors who have qualified, both general practitioners and specialists, who have not been employed and they are Kenyans," said Oroko.
Kariuki says there are plans to absorb the graduate doctors into the healthcare system, but she says Kenya would still not be able to meet the recommended doctor to patient ratio.
Oroko says about 4,300 doctors work in the public sector for Kenya's 38.6 million people.
“There is the required number of doctors we are supposed to have per facility, and it is public knowledge, the WHO requires that we have one doctor per 1,000 patients in any given population, currently in Kenya we have one doctor per 24,000 patients," said Oroko. "... Where are they going to get the money to employ the ones coming from Cuba?"
The union blocked attempts by the government to bring in doctors from Tanzania at the height of its three month strike last year. The agreement ending the strike called for pay increases and medical rick allowances.

How to save life from cancer?

Thousands of cancer cases can be prevented every year in a few minor changes in their lifestyle.
It came in a UK medical study.
Cancer Research group in UK said that every week thousands of cancer cases can be prevented every week through lifestyle changes such as exercise and loss of physical weight.
According to this research, healthy changes in lifestyle can only prevent 40% of cancer cases per year.
Research suggests that smoking is the most important habit of curing cancer, while rotating excessive sunlight, use of alcohol, affecting fiber food and air pollution, etc. also increases the risk of cancer.
In research, it was warned that the rate of avoiding smoking is increasing, but obesity is spreading such a rapidly as a wound and it will be the biggest cause of death more than smoking soon.
Researchers say that if obesity is not kept, the obesity may prove to be as dangerous as smoking.
He said that through lifestyle, life-saving can be prevented from cancer and people should choose healthy in life.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Nutritional information is not included in the doctor's course

Medical students in the UK have said that they are not taught anything about the effects of lifestyle on food and health.
According to the students who are taught them, they do not prove practically more efficient during work in hospitals later.
A prominent doctor has said that the diseases of their 80% patients are related to lifestyle and food. These diseases include diabetes, obesity and depression.
This year, the UK Department of Health NHS will spend more than £ 11 billion only on diabetes, when it will be spent on holiday treatment, social care etc. during treatment.
Diabetes status is related to obesity. And at the moment Britain is all ahead of the obesity race.
However, doctors do not get proper training to deal with such diseases, even though they are in need of sacking the British medical system.
Speaking to the BBC, Dr. Range Chancellor said: "The UK's medical scenario has changed in the past 30 to 40 years, and I think we have a shared lifestyle due to 80% burden."
Dr. Michael Mojli said: 'Unfortunately this is not a part of the traditional training. Nothing in the medical college was taught about food and nutrition. My son is at the Medical College at this time and it is not part of his course.
'So many doctors are such who are unable to advise their patients about nutrition.'
In order to meet this shortage, at the University of Brussels, the year-old Medical Officer, Ellie Jeffrey, has established an online organization named 'Neutral Tank'.
Under this, the latest medical information is distributed and lectures are organized in colleges.
This organization has now spread to 15 other colleges and universities.
Says Ally Jeef: 'Everything has a lot in medical colleges, not about nutrition. We are taught about ten to 24 hours of nutrition in six years of medical college.

Want to keep the effects of growing ages away from themselves?

Do you want to keep the face clean in middle ages too? So bring a change to your diet routine.
Yes reducing the amount of food can be helpful in slow down the journey.
The claim came in a medical study in the US.
The study of penningtone biomedical research was said to reduce the calories that are part of the daily body and can save the body from different diseases.
During the research during animal research, the animals that used less food were reduced, their physical temperature decreased, and metabolicism slowed, causing body damage to metabolic action.
As a result of metabolism, body passes through the procession that increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, joints and cancer.
During research, a decrease in 15% reduction in daily calories, reduces body weight, crackdown and metabolicism.
The acceleration of metabolism helps keep the body healthy, but with aging our body slowly reduces food.
Due to that, since the third decade of the volume of the armed forces, the decrease in the volume and the safety of obesity is difficult.
Researchers said slow down metabolism, in fact, puts inaccessible effects on the body, while sharp metabolism increases stress on the body, but it is hard to turn food into energy for the physical system.
This happens to occur in the body due to oxygen imbalance, which causes circulation of free radicals that attack cells and DNA.
The higher the frequency of free radicals, the physical stress would be as severe as possible, while our bodies also create enzyme that end these free radicals, but the increase in their age increases slowly.
Researchers say that reducing calorie amounts could slow down the trauma damage.
He further stated that restricting the quantity of calories can help reduce the risk of various diseases, slow down the path towards the aging and help to lengthen life.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

It is possible to keep an eye on food items by installing a censor on teeth

 Scientists have succeeded in making censorship (which will be touch in teeth) so it will be possible to know the habits and food condition.
To determine the quantity of food, keeping balanced food and then recording a calorie eating daily, is a difficult thing for which one has to endure the diet, sometimes there are different kinds of tastes. Calculator is visible but scientists have now discovered a simple and simple solution to this complicated problem.
Scientists invent 2 × 2 mm censorship in Tuffets University of Engineering, located in Medford. These sensors can be installed directly to the teeth, which are attached to a non-wire device. These censorships have the ability to send information about food ingredients such as salt, sugar, alcoholic and other parts to mobile.
Scientists say that with the help of these senses, the complete data for eating habits of food can be preserved, the quantity of salt, sugar, alcohol, etc. can be collected throughout the day, with which patients with their own help to drink food Ability to change the habits and quantities that can help in treating diabetes, heart disease and other diseases.
These censorship consists of three-thirds, one wave absorb food ingredients, while other layers consist of gold medal plate two-thirds work like antenna, from food ingredients. Related information is available as a radio waves and send forward. These censors change their color as they receive various nutrients.
Scientists say that after the success of these censors, censorship will be developed which will be able to feel and nourish other nutrients besides salt, thanksgiving and alcohol, thus curing all the food through censorship. It will be possible to collect component data.

The reason for infertility problems in women is brain disease, research

 According to the new research, the 'Psychiatric Overseas Syndrome', which is causing harmfulness to women’s digestive functions, does not belong to Oriental but also from the brain.
According to experts, adolescents and children, there is a problem of obesity in women, which is called polycystic ovary syndrome, due to the disease, the disease does not cause oxygen and inadequate in the womb due to women pregnant Do not miss It was said that the disease is due to ovaries being born in ovary, due to which a hormone in the ovary is 'androgen'.
Scientists conducted various experiences on substances in the University of South Wales, Australia. Scientists removed the recipient's recipient receiving endrogen hormones in the mercy of the mouse so that the brain-borne androgen hormone was not received so that the polynomic ovary syndrome would not be found, but surprisingly the endrogen rigors Despite extracting it, Chhohia got rid of this disease.
Scientists distributed substance mice into four groups for their research. In the first group, normal cholera, other groups, were those who were not present in any part of the body, and there were substances in the third group that had no endangered receptors in the fourth group, including the endrogen receptors in the substance of the fourth group. I did not exist.
Scientists provided high doses of Androgen to all four groups, after which it was seen that normal coconut was expected to occur in the same way as polynomic, similarly in which the endrogen receptors were not present in Ourei, they were also suffering from Polynomic ovary but only those There were no endrogen receptors in the brain of the brain, they should be safe from this disease.
The result proved to be two things: Firstly, the Polynegic Overseas is associated with endrogen hormone, secondly, only the endrogen receptors in the brain cause this disease. Scientists say that in some way, access to the endrogen receptors in the brain can be saved from Polyncic Overseas.
Christopher Walters, head research research team, says that the nutrient system is like a reproductive human system, thus the research on mice can also be applied to women, resulting in the endrogen present in ovory. Receptors are not the source of this disease but also the hormone in mind when it was believed before the end of the endangered Polynsic oyster causes ovary condoms, but where we were in the dark.
It is clear that 'Polynsic Oyory Syndrome' has become a common disease found in women due to which women can lose their ability to produce children.
In this disease of obesity, women 's digestives become systems in which they do not get sickness, and women do not get pregnant because of illness in menstrual illness, severe pain at the bottom of the stomach, Increase weight and hairstyle on the face.

Colon Cancer Can Be Prevented and Treated

Although cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, colorectal cancer is one of the cancers that we can actually prevent, the World Health Organization says.
The colon is a long, muscular tube that’s also known as the large intestine. It is part of the digestive system. Colon cancer is linked to diet, genetic predisposition and age. In the U.S., 1 in 23 people will be told they have colon cancer.
Michele Alexander got her diagnosis at age 53.
“How much longer do I have? My daughter’s 24. You know, she’s still got a lot of life left. How much longer will I be with her? Those kind of thoughts go through your head,” Alexander said.
Largely preventable
Dr. Zihao Wu at the University of Missouri Health Care says this type of cancer is largely preventable.
“The majority of colon cancer develops from a benign polyp, and that takes about 10 to 15 years,” he said. “And if you find a polyp and remove it, you won’t have colon cancer, so it’s very important to have a screening to prevent cancer.”
As scary as her diagnosis was, Alexander’s passion for auto racing helped her get through her ordeal. Her favorite driver is Carl Edwards, and she had tickets to a race in which he was competing. When someone shared her story with him, he called her.
“I said, ‘I know there’s an auction where I can bid to ride in the truck with you for driver intros, and it is my goal to win that auction,’” she said. … He said, ‘Don’t bid. You get here, you’re riding with me.’”
Six weeks after surgery to remove the cancer in her colon, Alexander got her ride.
“Oh, it was just joy. In a race for my life, and I crossed the finish line a winner,” she said.
Healthy lifestyle helps
Wu said Alexander’s attitude helped.
“She wanted to get better. She had a strong will to get better, and I think that’s very important,” he said.
Doctors say you can help prevent colon cancer if you eat plenty of greens, whole grains and vegetables and legumes, which are high in fiber. Regular exercise also helps, and if you smoke, stop.
Most importantly, get a regular screening starting at age 50 or sooner if you have a family history.
If colon cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, the World Health Organization says 90 percent of patients survive at least five years, compared with no more than percent of those diagnosed at an advanced stage.
Two years after her surgery, Alexander is still cancer free and still a racecar enthusiast.

Dangerous results of hair coloring

Over a decade ago, most of the people used to paint hair at the same time, when their hair seemed white to black.
However, due to a changing fashion trend for the past decade, now every hair has become unique, not just black, but also colorful, like Brown, Gray, Blue, and Yellow.
Although this process will come under the influence of some people and they will certainly become the master of attractive person.
However, a recent American research has shown that coloring hair is not only skin butter but also due to some kind of psychiatric disease.
According to an article published in the Health Journal 'Health Line', the presence of chemicals spread to the clinics of their hair as a fashionable fashion by the people of America and Europe.
According to the report, hair can cause cancer due to hair coloring, because in the process, the chemicals involved in the clusters become more dangerous due to electrical shock.
The report states that hair clerks contain other dangerous chemicals, including ammonia and hydrogen proxide, which often cause diseases of the skin.
The report shows that some quantities of chemicals are very high and faster, due to which this can also be cancerous.
However, in the report, it was not told that clerks of companies were found to be dangerous and ill-treated chemicals.
Along with this, people have been suggested that if hair is to be clarified, simple electrical appliances and dangerous chemicals are tested simultaneously instead of hairstyles.

Every year More than 27,000 new TB patients increasing in Balochistan

 The situation in the health of Balochistan is not quite satisfactory, which can be estimated by increasing the number of patients with various diseases and the number of patients suffering from them.
The lack of awareness and awareness regarding the prevention of diseases in the public, despite their place of lack of therapeutic facilities, in their place but economic and social issues and poverty, is also a major cause for spreading diseases, such as 'tape' It is also referred to as 'TB'.
According to the World Health Organization's Global TB Report 2017, new patients of more than 27,000 TB patients are increasing every year in Balochistan.
According to experts, the reason for increasing TB disease is a lack of poverty and awareness and any person suffering from such problems may suffer from this disease, that is why in urban areas of Balochistan, The condition of the disease is quite vague.
Symptoms of TB
Dr. Chavez, a specialist, associated with Fatima Jinnah Chest and General Hospital, said that symptoms of TB have more than three weeks of continuous coughing, mouth bleeding, chest pain and constant weight loss. Included.
He said that if such symptoms are visible, the patient should immediately refer to a good physician and start treatment, for which hospitals and health centers have been provided.

TB World Day: Pakistan's 5th number in the deadly disease

 TB is a leprosy disease which is one of the ten reasons for worldwide deaths. Pakistan has 5th number in countries affected by this disease. TB's World Day is celebrated every year on March 24.
On March 24 every year, the World Health Day celebrates the World Cup Day, aimed at destroying Tuberculosis, TB disasters, social and economic effects of the disease, and measures to eliminate the world of disease. It is to be determined. This day is celebrated on March 24, 1882, when Dr. Robert Coach had discovered the tuberculosis of tuberculosis.

Although there have been significant achievements in the ongoing TB war, and measures have been taken at the government level to overcome the disease disease as well as the support of NGOs, but despite all these efforts, TB around the world I am known as murderer. One of the ten reasons for TB killings is one reason that targets ten million people; 95% of them belong to poor countries.

Most of the deaths from TB are in India, Indonesia, China, Philippines, Pakistan and Nigeria, while only 1 million children were suffering from TB in 2016 alone, out of which 2.5 million children died. Although 53 million lives have been saved from this killer in the past decade, but still the disease is present with its eyelids. By 2030, WHO has set measures to eliminate this disease.

Under the World Health Organization this year, World Day Capture is celebrated as "leaders who want to free the world from the TB", aimed at ending the disease at the state level. The emphasis on which the Ministry of Health, Nazim City, Community Leaders and Parliamentarians will be included in this campaign. On this occasion high-altitude buildings across the world will be lit in red.

It is evident that the tuberculosis is an epidemic which can lead to other patients with a patient cough. This disease targets people with low-pressure intervention. Symptoms of this disease include fever, blood in blood, weight loss, body fatigue, and continuous fatigue. It is a pleasure that TB is a cure of cure. If the illness is taken from the ban and is countered with positive thinking, then the disease can be completely ridiculous.